Our Rockwall Social Run is getting bigger every time we host it! The last one we had in August was the biggest one yet. We definitely felt the enthusiasm from our community and local businesses as we spent the morning running and hanging out together.
Our vet runners were awesome!! Y'all jumped in and not only helped our new runners during the run, but also gave advice on the training you are currently doing and then how to prepare for future races. Thanks for loving on this running community. For our newbies, thanks for coming out and joining us. We are pumped to see you get plugged in- this is one of the best running communities to be a part of! If you are looking for more opportunities to run locally, stop by the store and chat with one of our managers about how to get involved.
We also want to thank all of our vendors who showed up. A big shoutout to Feetures for giving out FREE socks! Also, Camp Gladiator, Orange Theory, Rockwall Cycle Bar, and Rockwall IV Bar gave discounts, freebies and giveaways. Our On Running shoe rep even got to run with us.
We are so happy to be apart of this community. We appreciate your support - customers and local businesses - for running alongside of us at Racquet and Jog.